Embrace your Place in Nature

A creative retreat to bring you into alignment with the earth

South of France

23rd - 27th May 2024

If you’re a planet conscious woman who is ready to feel empowered and hopeful about the future, then join me for five days of delicious immersion in nature where you will forge a deep connection to the living world and come away with a transformational creative mindfulness practice.

Walking barefoot in early morning light, feeling the dew drops in the grass, you hear the symphony of birds in the trees all around and feel a profound sense of being home, at last.

Sitting in quiet contemplation as you gaze out over the hills, the sky above a clear azure blue dotted with tiny white puffs of cloud, you remember with a smile the pure joy of creating yesterday, gathering plants and berries for making inks, weaving tiny keepsakes that will forever bind you to the trees and plants of this magical place.

As you breathe in the scents on the air and the gorgeous cup of herb tea you are cradling in your hands, you anticipate the day ahead, filled with laughter, gentleness and above all that deep peace and connection you have been seeking for so long.

Come, embrace YOUR place in nature...

A retreat to fill up your senses

By the end of this transformative retreat, you will emerge with a profound sense of inner peace, a renewed connection to the natural world, and a deep knowing that you hold the power to create a meaningful and sustainable future.

Through activities that bring us in close connection with nature, you’ll have the tools to face what IS with equanimity, so you can move forward with hope.

You'll forage for natural materials, and uncover the secrets of crafting eco-friendly art supplies like inks and handmade paper. You'll come away with a creative practice that keeps you grounded and at peace with yourself and with the world.

Walking barefoot on the earth, you'll learn the tools to continue your own practice at home, so you can be calm and centred no matter what life throws at you.

With gentle, guided meditation that connects us to the natural world, you'll tap into your inner power and rediscover your purpose as a guardian of the Earth.

So tell me, is this you?

  • You long for a genuine connection with the earth

  • You yearn for a tribe of like minded folk who you can talk to candidly

  • The thought of making art with natural materials thrills you

  • Meditation and mindfulness have been on your radar for a while

  • You love the idea of eating with love and gratitude for the food on your plate

  • You're driven to make changes in your life to step up and make a difference

  • You know climate breakdown is a cause for concern but you sense there is room for hope and change

A retreat of unforgettable beauty

Nestled in a breathtaking natural setting, our retreat sanctuary offers an oasis of tranquility. Surrounded by majestic mountains, lush forests, and serene waters, you'll find yourself immersed in nature's embrace. As you awaken each morning to the symphony of birdsong and breathe in the crisp, invigorating air, you'll feel a sense of profound peace enveloping your entire being.

This corner of the south of France is renowned for its ancient wooded hills and azure skies. Rich in indigenous plant species and trees, it is an area of outstanding beauty and calm.

A magical retreat centre

Rest in the arms of nature

When you arrive at our idyllic retreat venue, you step into a world of enchantment and tranquility. Tucked into the hillside amidst nature's splendor, our retreat accommodation is an integral part of the immersive experience that awaits you.

As you laze in a hammock and soak in the view, you find yourself in awe of the life teeming around you, the sheer magnificence of the vitality that you share with all living things.

The centre is filled with enticing corners and alive with trees and plants, creating an immersive experience that will leave you forever transformed.

Sitting at a table in a quiet corner of the garden, you reflect in your journal or just breathe in the peace and tranquillity that surrounds you. And as you do so, you find yourself sinking deeper in to the embrace of the natural world.

This is your home, your natural place of being.

Sleep in the embrace of the stars

As you walk down through the foliage, anticipation fills the air, and a wide smile spreads across your face.

The tipis, harmoniously blended with the natural landscape, beckon you with their inviting embrace.

The earthy scent of the surrounding flora permeates the air, shadows of the trees play on the canvas walls and the fresh breeze whispers through the open doors.

Step inside, and be greeted by a space that radiates warmth, comfort, and wild adventure.

Your tipi is a tranquil sanctuary, allowing you to unwind and reconnect with nature.

There is space to be alone, to tidy away your belongings, to stretch out and soak in the utter peace and tranquillity.

Find your inner calm

In the spacious meditation room, serenity fills the air.

Sunlight streams through the windows, casting a golden glow on the cushions and mats that await your arrival.

Here, you'll find solace and tranquility, a place where you can dive deep into your practice and connect with your innermost self.

And every day, you get the choice to meditate outside, in the arms of the natural surroundings.

swim under the azure sky

meals with a view

space to unwind

Imagine floating in the cool water, gazing up at the azure sky, remembering the wonderous encounters you have had today with the plants, the creatures, with nature.

Food is a portal to our connection with the world around us. Savour the flavours of fabulous plant based food, and awaken to the realisation that each bite comes from the earth. Lovingly created meals from our award winning chef will nourish your body and your soul.

Take your time each day to unwind and spend time with the most important person on this retreat - you. Journal, doodle, paint - whatever fills your heart up. With the luscious scent of the trees and the plants all around you, feast your senses and allow your spirit to soar.

sleep close to nature

or in simple indoor comfort

space to connect with others

You wake in the morning to the sounds of the birds and insects in the early morning light. You lie in your super comfy bed, gazing out at the day ahead, with joy and anticipation in your heart.

Or wake in your wonderful bed in the house, the morning light streaming in through the windows. Lie back and ponder on the revelations of this new day, the things you will learn and profound connections you will make.

And in those moments when you feel like connecting with your fellow retreaters, you find kindness and connection in the large, cosy living spaces. You feel yourself coming home to your true nature amongst this group of fellow travellers.

Eat with all your senses

Food is not just sustenance but a profound connection to nature.

Every bite you take has been lovingly created by our talented naturopathic chef.

Each meal is a culinary masterpiece that tantalizes your taste buds and nourishes your body and soul. Locally sourced, all-natural ingredients mean that every dish bursts with freshness, flavour, and the essence of the region.

Savour vibrant salads brimming with organic, garden-fresh vegetables that are bursting with color and vitality. Experience the harmonious blend of flavors and textures that celebrate the goodness of nature's gifts.

Our naturopathic chef infuses each dish with creativity, ensuring that every ingredient shines and contributes to a holistic dining experience. From the delicate balance of aromatic herbs to the vibrant colors of locally sourced fruits, every aspect of our gastronomic delights is thoughtfully curated to leave you longing for more.





I have been guiding women like you in meditation, mindfulness and creativity for many years now.

I work with natural materials to create art and use these practices as the bedrock of the mindfulness I teach.

I believe each of us is a fine gossamer thread in the fabric of all life and that our path to peace and equanimity lies in our deep connection to nature.

Come and join me for five days of joyful community where you will experience a profound sense of belonging that will be your guiding star for the rest of your life.

Get ready to embark on a life-changing journey that will leave an indelible mark on your soul,

empowering you to lead a life filled with joy, purpose, and positive impact.

What to expect each day:

morning meditation

You'll start each day with a gentle meditation which will guide you to a deeper connection with nature.

Walking barefoot on the earth, you'll experience the profound energy of gaia.

sit spot

After a delicious breakfast of fresh local produce, you'll head off to find the perfect spot in nature that is calling to you.

Here you will sit with nothing to do other than to just be. You'll listen to the sounds in the trees, feel the sun and the breeze on your skin, smell the scents of the day coming alive.


Coming together again, we'll venture out to forage for things to make our art with.

As you gather your leaves, your berries, your pine cones and needles, you'll notice how much more alive you feel.

go wild

After your delicious, nourishing lunch, you'll be released into the wild to do whatever you choose.

Swim, walk, sleep. You can

afternoon art

We'll meet up again in the afternoon where you'll be immersed in natural art techniques. You'll make inks, pigments and paper. You'll weave a tiny basket from plant stalks to put all your keepsakes in.

Let your imagination soar as you infuse your creations with the essence of the Earth, discovering the profound connection between your creative expression and the healing power of nature.

silent salad

Working with your new friends, you'll spend a precious half hour preparing a salad for everyone to enjoy.

In silence, you'll savour the texture and smells, connect with the life of the vegetables you are preparing.

Then as we sit down to eat, you'll taste the food with a whole new appreciation of life.

community circle

As the sun sets, we gather in a supportive circle, sharing our thoughts, fears, and aspirations, forming a community bound by our shared love for the planet.

Through nourishing discussion and quiet contemplation, you’ll learn to listen to your inner wisdom so you can trust the living planet to support and guide you no matter what.


By the crackling firepit, we'll immerse ourselves in the wonders of the night sky, basking in the awe-inspiring grandeur of the stars and the vastness of the universe.

a peaceful night

Your day has been brimful of treasure - new friends, new ideas, new feelings.

As you lie down to sleep, the owls sofftly calling to one another nearby, you feel blessed by the earth,

knowing that at last you have found your tribe and you will always feel supported.

Do you have questions?

I have answers!

Q: Do I need to have experience of meditation?

A: No not at all. I take you step by step through each meditation so you are gently guided. If you want to start a meditation practice before the retreat, I can offer you free access to my Meditation Mini Course for beginners.

Q: I'm not young any more. Will I find this retreat physically demanding?

A: I'm no spring chicken myself! The walks and meditations are all gentle so everyone can get the most out of them. There is lots of time for relaxation and down time, too, so you feel rested and rejuvenated.

Q: I'm not artistic. Will the afternoon activities require previous experience or skill?

A: None whatsoever. The creative activities are designed for all skill levels. So whether this is the first time you have picked up a paintbrush since schooldays or you have a thriving art practice, you will learn so much and above all experience such important connection to the Earth through your creative endeavours.

Q: I am allergic to certain ingredients. Can you cater for that?

A: Yes, no worries. You will be asked to fill out a form well in advance of the retreat so we have all the important information we need around allergies etc. Our talented chef will make sure your meals are delicious and safe.

Q: I'm not sure I'm up for sleeping out in a teepee. Can I have a room indoors instead?

A: Of course! There are several options available in the house if that's more comfortable for you.

Q: I have a question you haven't covered. Can you answer it for me?

A: Yes, I'd be delighted to. You can email me at: hello@moonoverwillow.com and we can make a time to hop on a zoom call. Or you can email your question and I'll reply.

"It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.

I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain…

It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here…I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments."

- The Invitation,
Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Copyright Moon over Willow 2023 . All rights reserved